Sunday, January 25, 2009


So people always tell me that I look like Pam Beasley. Well here are an abundance of photos, you be the judge...


JaMiEj said...

k - you are officially 10 times prettier than Pam. Hands down! No comparison! Jenni wins by a landslide.

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

You totally could be Pam Beasley...especially with your I heart Jim shirt. It's perfect.

Anonymous said...

I totally see it!

The Mursets said...

Hi Jenni, I am a friend of Carly's (I don't know if you remember me, but I used to hang out at your house...) Anyway I have a couple of cake questions for you! Please email me at :
My sister in law is getting married in May and needs a cake.