Monday, March 26, 2012

My Summer

So this summer I will be gone for like 80+ days. I will be an the navy ship the US Mercy Volunteering in radiology. We are going to the south pacific. Since I wont have phone access and tons of Computer time I will be using my blog as a way to tell people about my life while I am gone. Hopefully I will be better while I am away then when i am in my day to day life. It might be more interesting.
So wish me luck I leave in the middle of May and get back in the middle of August.

I have to get a ton of shots and other types of meds to be able to go. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Wish me luck!


Nicole Brown said...

How fun!! I hope you have an awesome summer. That sounds amazing!

mylyn wood said...

SO COOL. Which islands will you be going to specifically? We live in Saipan (an island of of Guam) so you may be stopping by!