Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break Cakes

So since this past week was spring break it was also the week of weddings. Which to me means wedding cakes. My sister, Carly, and I had two cakes one on Friday and one on Saturday. So we had to hurry and make the cakes before she left town the Friday before spring break, this was a day when one of the cakes was needed. So we finished all the cakes on Thursday. Friday the cake was delivered on Friday at 4:30. So we got there and the family was there and had the cake topper ready. This allowed me to decorate the cake and leave, that's how I like it. But the cake on Saturday was a completely different story. I was supposed to show up around 4:00, I got there a bit early thinking that everything would go as planned and I would be able to leave within a half hour. Well an hour and a half later about the time that the reception started the bride finally arrived with a cake topper. Now I was told that there would just be flowers to put on the cake but that wasn't the case. So I put on the cake topper (after I had already made something out of ribbon so I could get out of this strange place). After I finished I took my picture and left. Apparently however the flowers arrived right after I left. The bride then decided that she was going to put them on to make it look tropical. Now I didn't see it but from what I heard was that before the flowers went on people were willing to tell others that I made the cake, but then after the huge, bright flowers went on the cake they were unwilling to say who made the cake. What the heck! Apparently the cake was just ugly with the flowers on it. We designed the cake for pretty white flowers and then, the bride who not only showed up late by about and hour also ruined my beautiful cake. If your going to tell someone to be somewhere a certain time you should probably be there with everything that will be needed to complete the task. Blast it all! We were doing this cake as a favor because I didn't charge hardly anything for it, never again! I am just furious about it. I also did a cake for the hospital radiology department. It was in the shape of a butt. It was pretty funny all I could do was laugh when I was decorating it and everything.


Everett Family said...

BEAUTIFUL cakes, well except the butt! Thanks for dealing with all the stress while I was relaxing, you are amazing

Hight Family said...

Jenni and Carly, you guys ROCK!!! I love your cakes! My kids think the butt cake is hillarious (however you spell that??)

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

Your blog is so cute! I love your cakes too! I am excited to be able to read all about your life!!!