Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cakes, Pies, and Birthdays

I've started to make pies. I really enjoy making them look nice as well as taste delicous. I've started to get sick of cake so its a a nice change. (Key Lime, Banana Coconut Cream, Apple, Mixed Berry)

The barbie cake I made for a little girls birthday.

Wedding cake made out of cupcakes.

This is the final project complete. i did this all by myself so hooray! I made the flowers and baked and decorated with no help. (well expect for the fact that my mom helps me clean up)

It was my birthday on the 20th of May so I went to Disneyland with my brother Chad and his friend D.J. We had a good old time.

Tower of Terror one of the best rides ever!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Love You Mom!

You are the greatest. I love you oh so much. Thank you for all you've done for me. I enjoyed going to Ireland with you so much. Thanks for just letting me drag you around that country while I got my fill of it, you are a real trooper! I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You are the reason that I am what I am. It was hard to leave you when I moved to Logan but you were the one that was strong enough to help me stay with the decision. I know it wasn't easy for you to be that way and I appreciate it more then you'll ever know. Mom I love spending time with you and talking about nothing in particular. You are one of my best friends and someone I always know that I can turn to when I am having a problem or just need someone there for me. Thank you for being so kind to everyone you meet you are a real example for me and for that I am truly grateful.
I love you,